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Do You Have a Disaster Recovery Plan in Place?

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Having a Disaster Recovery Plan in place is something many business owners don’t like to think about. The fact is, this is an important tool to have when disaster does strike. Having a plan in place will help keep your business, data, customers, employees, reputation, and more from being permanently damaged. Businesses without a Disaster Recovery Plan can be in a lot of trouble if a disaster does strike. Having a plan set in place will help you navigate what can be a terrible experience.

When you are creating your Disaster Recovery Plan keep in mind all factors of your business. Sit down with your executive/leadership team to map out all areas of your business.


Find out every piece of hardware and software that you have helping your company operate. Document everything you have and who you need to contact to get these items back up and running. Make note of any warranties that are associated with all equipment. Also, assign someone to manage this list and do updates annually to make sure it is accurate and up to date.

Timeline and Owners

Take the time to understand what your business needs to run and what is less important. Make a list of what is a top priority, so you know what you need to focus on first. This will all depend on what industry you are in and how you run your business. After you find out what is most important to keeping your business moving forward assign someone to be responsible for each item. Depending on your employee’s skills, knowledge, and department everyone should have some responsibility to help get you back up and operating smoothly.


Now that you understand who is responsible for what communicate to everyone involved what they are responsible for. Anyone that needs to be involved with this should know what they need to do and what they are responsible. Also, make sure everyone involved understands everyone else’s responsibilities. This information should be included in the document you created relating to the inventory you took. That way if someone is gone or no longer with the company someone else can step in and complete the tasks.

Review Insurance

Look at your company’s insurance policy when it comes to natural disasters or something that includes a disaster recovery plan. Make sure you are covered for natural disasters or anything along those lines that could affect your business in your area. Reach out to your insurance agent to learn more about your policy to find out what you are covered for.

Test your Plan

Now that you have everything in place, test it. Go through a simulation of a disaster and have your team get everything back in working order. Find any hiccups or pain points you might encounter and find ways to improve your plan.

Having a Disaster Recovery Plan in place is an important piece for your business. Finding the right company to partner with to handle this for you can take the stress out of this experience if you ever must go through it. If you would like to learn more or see what Itechra does when disaster strikes, please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help!


Itechra Team

Itechra Team

From 2000, we set out to solve what was then a major problem for small businesses: having difficulty keeping up with their IT needs. We noticed that large corporations often had multiple employees specializing in different aspects of the industry and realized this approach could work well also among smaller organizations who might not be able to sustain such teams, but still require help managing an oversized workload. We provide a single resource for all your IT issues.