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What to Look For in an IT Service Provider

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Having provided managed IT services for years, the team at Itechra has heard its fair share of provider horror stories. Fortunately, to avoid any issues regarding your tech support or cybersecurity, we’ve put together a list of things to consider when looking for an IT service provider. Here’s what you need to know the next time you’re in the market.




Unfortunately, the world of technology never sleeps, and problems can arise no matter the time of day. That’s why it’s vital to find a provider with 24/7 support options. When you’re working late into the night or experience an issue during an important meeting, you need a managed service provider that can fix your problem in a way that’s effective and efficient.


When looking for a new partner, get clear on their availability and reliability. Your initial communication is often an indicator of this as well. For example, did the provider answer your call? Or if you went to voicemail, how long did they take to call you back? Let them know you need someone who has an all-hands-on-deck approach, as your IT isn’t something to push aside. 




Since technology is constantly changing, it’s best to find an IT service provider who’s been around for a while. Established providers have spent years getting comfortable in the industry, working through different situations with different types of clients. This experience will help your organization, as you’ll create a partnership with a company that knows what works and what doesn’t.


Ask your provider for testimonials or case studies before signing on any dotted lines. You should learn more about the businesses they’ve helped in the past, as well as their experience with companies similar to your own. Don’t be afraid to ask them for references!


Employee Support


Some of our most significant cybersecurity issues come from human error. Unfortunately, this is normal and a key reason you’ll want to find a managed IT service provider available to support your employees. This may mean a 24/7 phone number, quarterly training, or having a designated support person who’s there to answer their questions.


Elite Security


The best managed IT providers can provide their clients with high-end security measures, ensuring their data is less likely to be stolen. This means stronger passwords, networking monitoring, and multi-factor authentication. As a result, all of your access should look different when you begin working with the right provider.


Your partner should also prioritize disaster recovery and provide you with a way to access your information should a disaster takes place. This can be natural or human-induced, such as a cyberattack, fire, or power outage. No matter what happens, the right IT service provider will ensure you’re up and running in no time.


Local Support


Though not something all managed service providers offer, looking for a partner that can provide local support is a great thing to look for as you continue your research. Most things can be done virtually, but sometimes, it’s nice to talk to someone about your problems and have your questions answered in person. Start your search by looking for reputable IT providers in your area.


Customized Solutions


The right IT partner will help you find a solution that works best for your organization – not a copy and paste plan they’re already using for someone else. Look for a provider who works hard to understand your needs and what you’re looking for. Your data is something to take seriously, so you’ll want to find an organization that does just that.


Know that your technology should drive the solutions they provide for you. It’s all about your preferences as well as your budget. Your partner should offer various options, allowing you to choose what’s best for your business and its future. 


Prioritizes Your Success


There’s nothing worse than partnering with an organization, only to feel you’ve been shifted to the back seat. You want to find a managed service provider who keeps your success at the forefront – not one that treats you as a number. Solid partners are committed to your organization and how they can help you succeed.


Consider asking potential IT providers how they’ll ensure your organization doesn’t fall behind in technology and cybersecurity updates. When they answer, you should be able to detect a level of excitement, as those who genuinely care are passionate about how they can assist their clients. Your new provider should feel like an integral part of your company’s success. 




When it comes to technology and cybersecurity, it’s always best to be proactive rather than reactive. You want an IT service provider who can stop issues before they pop up – not just when they’ve already taken over your organization’s workflows. The right partner will make sure you’re receiving the updates you need now so as not to slow you down later.


This may mean taking care of major antivirus programs and bug fixes, but it can also mean proactively preventing issues regarding your printers, phones, or networks. These small pieces can significantly impact how your business meets its goals. So find a partner who can think big picture.


Company Culture


Often, you’ll be able to tell if an organization is a good fit for you from your very first interaction. Most business decisions are made from a numbers standpoint, but it’s okay to find someone that meshes well with your company culture when it comes to your IT services. You want these interactions to be easy and stress-free – not uncomfortable.


Once you’ve asked your questions regarding support and security, take the time to get to know your potential providers. See how well their culture aligns with yours and whether or not they’re someone you’d look forward to partnering with. Again, consider the technical aspect, but remember the personal factors as well.


To keep your organization secure and productive, you must find the right IT service provider. If you’re in the market, be sure to send us a message today. We’ll make sure you’re prepared for all cyberthreats – big or small!

Itechra Team

Itechra Team

From 2000, we set out to solve what was then a major problem for small businesses: having difficulty keeping up with their IT needs. We noticed that large corporations often had multiple employees specializing in different aspects of the industry and realized this approach could work well also among smaller organizations who might not be able to sustain such teams, but still require help managing an oversized workload. We provide a single resource for all your IT issues.