How to Create a Cybersecurity Roadmap for Your Business
With ransomware attacks growing by more than 40% during the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have begun to understand the importance of strong cybersecurity measures. Even a more minor data breach can leave companies out of order for days – something most people can’t fathom happening in today’s world.
If you’re looking to step up your cybersecurity approach, creating a roadmap is an excellent way to do so. By adding this blueprint to your business plan, you’ll remain proactive regarding cyberthreats rather than simply reacting when it’s too late. Here’s how you can create a cybersecurity roadmap for your business.
Assess Your Risks
Before you prepare your organization to steer clear of cyberattacks, you must consider where your most significant risks lie. Then, once you have this information, you can allocate your budget and resources to the proper security solutions. Unfortunately, if you don’t accurately assess your risks, you’ll likely spend money on programs and measures that aren’t worth your time or money.
To assess your risks, start by determining where your data is stored and what types of data you hold. Do you have a lot of personal information? How do you classify this? First, there should be a general overview of how your company shares and stores its data.
You’ll also want to note any devices you’ll need to secure. For example, do employees use a mobile device for their work? Or is everything stored on a laptop or desktop computer? Finally, assess if you’ll need protection for cloud services and what networks you’ll want to protect. This high-level overview will open your eyes to what your top priority should be when it comes to cybersecurity.
Set Cybersecurity Goals
The obvious main goal of your cybersecurity measures should be to protect your organization and its confidential information. However, if you have additional goals here, be sure to put them inside of your roadmap. For example, things like hosting regular cybersecurity training for team members, updating policies each quarter, or working with an experienced IT partner are all great goals to set for your organization.
It’s easy to say you’d simply want to prevent cyberattacks (which is still a great goal!), but to take your roadmap seriously, you want to be as detailed as possible. This means thinking about cybersecurity issues you’ve had in the past and addressing them head-on. Then, think about how you can start taking these measures seriously and the action steps you can take to do so.
Review Current Policies
Before implementing new solutions, you’ll need to look at your current cybersecurity policies. How do you focus on protecting your data and information? What requirements are in place for all employees? Here are a few policies to consider:
- Acceptable use policy. This policy should detail the practices a team member must agree to before accessing your corporate network.
- Data breach response policy. This policy should define all roles and responsibilities inside your organization should a data breach occur. It should also outline the steps you’ll take should you fall victim to an attack.
- Disaster recovery plan. This plan ensures your business can operate with minimal losses or downtime when a disaster occurs. It should contain instructions for responding should your business experience a cyber attack, natural disaster, power outage, or other significant events.
- Remote access policy. With 85% of managers believing remote work will soon become the new norm, it’s important to have a remote access policy covering how employees will access your business networks and work when they’re outside of the office.
- Access control policy. This defines standards for who can access what in terms of networks, information, and software. It also explains what will happen when a team member is onboarded and offboarded.
Implement New Solutions
Now that you’ve addressed your policies and current needs, you should have a clear idea of what solutions your organization could benefit from. This part of your roadmap should address the solutions that will allow you to be proactive and avoid serious cyberthreats. Even if you’re hoping to work with an IT service provider and not implement these solutions yourself, it’s worthwhile to at least create a basic outline. Something like:
- Finding updated antivirus software.
- Implementing multi-factor authentication for all accounts.
- Strictly defining each role regarding their access to information.
- Outlining a remote working policy.
- Creating a plan for network protection.
Even the smallest of changes can have a profound impact on cybersecurity. So take time to think about how you can set your organization up for success now and in the future.
Remember Your Greatest Asset
With 85% of cyberattacks involving a human element (both intentional and unintentional), your roadmap should consider all of your employees and the role they’ll play in your cybersecurity efforts. Even if you address all vulnerabilities and utilize high-quality programs, one click of a button on a phishing email or a bad public Wi-Fi network can lead to thousands, and sometimes millions, of dollars worth of damage.
Be sure to add regular cybersecurity training to your roadmap. Each team member should be aware of the risks and how they can help mitigate them. Test your staff and run practice drills to ensure everyone takes things seriously here.
A cybersecurity roadmap doesn’t just end on the last page. To truly take advantage of your efforts, you’ll need to evaluate them regularly. Schedule cybersecurity audits to learn more about whether or not your solutions are operating effectively. Check-in with team members as well to get their opinion on things such as training, device usage, and network security.
Work With a Trusted Partner
Considering the damage a cyberattack can do, it’s best to take all of your cybersecurity measures seriously. And if you’re new to cybersecurity, this means finding a partner you can trust to protect your organization and prioritize its success. At Itechra, we’ve spent years helping businesses big and small implement secure, stable, and easy-to-use IT solutions. Send us a message today so we can help your organization stay safe and continue surpassing its goals!